International of Forums
School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field

International Events

Every two years, on alternating sides of the Atlantic, an International Meeting reunites the members of the IF and the School around a theme decided upon at the previous Meeting.

Each Meeting is an occasion for gathering together, for a day and half, the groups of the IF and the School, with the goal of bringing to bear-on orientation and function-our acquired experience and evolving circumstances.

« Anxiety, how to make it speak ? »

XII° Rendez-vous of the IF-SPFLF

« Knowledge and ignorance in the passage to the analyst »

VIII° International Meeting of the School

1 - 5 May 2024
Paris, France


  • 1st May : Symposium on the pass + meetings (REP, RIHPNA...)
  • 2 May : School meeting organised by the CIG/CAOE
  • 3 and 4 May: International Rendez-vous
  • 5 May : General Assemblies of the IF and the School

Affiche dynamique

Schedule Meeting


Friday 3 May, Amphitheâtre Lavoisier Français fr English en Español es Português br Italiano it
09H00 Patrick Barillot 📎 📎 📎
09H15 Luis Izcovich 📎 📎
09H15 Trinidad Sanchez-Biezma de Lander 📎
09H15 Marc Strauss 📎 📎 📎 📎
11H15 Anita Izcovich 📎 📎
11H15 Jose Monseny 📎
11H15 Lia Silveira 📎 📎 📎
14H15 Sonia Alberti 📎 📎
14H15 Jean-Jacques Gorog 📎 📎
14H15 Natacha Vellut 📎 📎
16H00 Julieta L. De Battista 📎
16H00 Bernard Nominé 📎 📎
16H00 Antonio Quinet 📎 📎
17H30 Colette Soler 📎
Friday 3 May, Room S101 Français fr English en Español es Português br Italiano it
11H15 Andréa Fernandes 📎 📎
11H15 Ida Freitas 📎 📎
11H15 Eva Orlando 📎 📎
14H15 Rodrigo Abínzano 📎
14H15 Ana Maeso 📎
14H15 Radu Turcanu 📎 📎
Friday 3 May, Room S251 Français fr English en Español es Português br Italiano it
11H15 Marie-José Latour 📎 📎
11H15 Esther Mikowski 📎 📎
11H15 Leonardo S. Rodríguez 📎 📎 📎 📎 📎
14H15 Tatiana Assadi 📎 📎
14H15 Gabriela Gomes Moreira 📎 📎
14H15 Marcin Piotrowski 📎 📎
Saturday 4 May, Amphitheâtre Lavoisier Français fr English en Español es Português br Italiano it
08H45 Maria Vitoria Bittencourt 📎 📎
08H45 Emmanuelle Pajot 📎 📎
08H45 Daphne Tamarin 📎 📎
08H45 Simge Zilif 📎
11H00 Mariana Báncora 📎
11H00 Roser Casalprim 📎
11H00 Daniella Ferri 📎
11H00 Leonardo Leibson 📎
14H15 Francis Le Port 📎 📎
14H15 Vera Pollo 📎 📎
14H15 Gloria Sadala 📎 📎
14H15 Camila Vidal 📎
16H15 Beatriz Oliveira 📎 📎
16H15 Graziano Senzolo 📎 📎
17H15 Gabriel Lombardi 📎 📎
17H15 Dominique Marin 📎 📎
18H15 Patrick Barillot 📎
Saturday 4 May, Room S101 Français fr English en Español es Português br Italiano it
08H45 Annalisa Bucciol 📎 📎 📎
08H45 Jean-Pierre Drapier 📎 📎
08H45 Maria Helena Martinho 📎 📎
08H45 Matilde Pelegrí 📎
11H00 Eve Cornet 📎 📎
11H00 Gladys Mattalia 📎
11H00 Muriel Mosconi 📎 📎
11H00 Tomás Otero 📎
14H15 Maria Dolors Camós 📎
14H15 Jean-Paul Montel 📎 📎
14H15 Oscar Quiroga 📎
14H15 Silvia Rodriguez 📎
Saturday 4 May, Room S251 Français fr English en Español es Português br Italiano it
08H45 Leonardo Assis 📎 📎 📎
08H45 María Claudia Domínguez 📎 📎
08H45 Adèle Jacquet-Lagrèze 📎
08H45 Matías Laje 📎
11H00 Soledad Carro 📎
11H00 Joseane Garcia 📎 📎
11H00 Rosane Melo 📎 📎
11H00 Glaucia Nagem 📎 📎 📎 📎
14H15 Luciana Guarreschi 📎 📎 📎
14H15 Luján Iuale 📎
14H15 Angela Mucida 📎 📎
14H15 Irène Tu Ton 📎 📎

documents & liens

Meeting of the School





Scientific Committee : Patrick Barillot (Responsible), Sandra Berta, Roser Casalprim Maresch, Nadine Cordova, Gabriel Lombardi, Diego Mautino, Beatriz Maya, Carmelo Scuderi, Marc Strauss, Anna Wojakowska-Skiba

Organising committee : Cathy Barnier, Bernard Brunie, Aurélie Caulier, Dominique Champroux, Nadine Cordova (Responsible for the organization), Frédérique Decoin-Vargas, Séverine Derrey, Nathalie Dollez, Alexandre Faure, Patrica Gavilanes, Dimitra Giannaka, Céline Guégan-Casagrande, Carole Leymarie, Fernando Martínez (Argentina), Lucile Mons, Tania Navarro, Kristèle Nonnet-Pavois, Claire Parada, Michèle Paperman, Jose Alejandro Perez Betancur, Christine Silbermann, Irène Tu Ton, Anastasia Tzavidopoulou, Angélique Walter