Every two years, on alternating sides of the Atlantic, an
International Meeting reunites the members of the IF and the School
around a theme decided upon at the previous Meeting.
Each Meeting is an occasion for gathering together, for a day and
half, the groups of the IF and the School, with the goal of bringing
to bear-on orientation and function-our acquired experience and
evolving circumstances.
« Anxiety, how to make it speak ? »
XII° Rendez-vous of the IF-SPFLF
« Knowledge and ignorance in the passage to the analyst »
VIII° International Meeting of the School
1 - 5 May 2024
Paris, France
- 1st May : Symposium on the pass + meetings (REP, RIHPNA...)
- 2 May : School meeting organised by the CIG/CAOE
- 3 and 4 May: International Rendez-vous
- 5 May : General Assemblies of the IF and the School
Schedule Meeting
Friday 3 May, Amphitheâtre Lavoisier |
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it |
09H00 |
Patrick Barillot |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
09H15 |
Luis Izcovich |
📎 |
📎 |
09H15 |
Trinidad Sanchez-Biezma de Lander |
📎 |
09H15 |
Marc Strauss |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
11H15 |
Anita Izcovich |
📎 |
📎 |
11H15 |
Jose Monseny |
📎 |
11H15 |
Lia Silveira |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Sonia Alberti |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Jean-Jacques Gorog |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Natacha Vellut |
📎 |
📎 |
16H00 |
Julieta L. De Battista |
📎 |
16H00 |
Bernard Nominé |
📎 |
📎 |
16H00 |
Antonio Quinet |
📎 |
📎 |
17H30 |
Colette Soler |
📎 |
Friday 3 May, Room S101 |
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11H15 |
Andréa Fernandes |
📎 |
📎 |
11H15 |
Ida Freitas |
📎 |
📎 |
11H15 |
Eva Orlando |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Rodrigo Abínzano |
📎 |
14H15 |
Ana Maeso |
📎 |
14H15 |
Radu Turcanu |
📎 |
📎 |
Friday 3 May, Room S251 |
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11H15 |
Marie-José Latour |
📎 |
📎 |
11H15 |
Esther Mikowski |
📎 |
📎 |
11H15 |
Leonardo S. Rodríguez |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Tatiana Assadi |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Gabriela Gomes Moreira |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Marcin Piotrowski |
📎 |
📎 |
Saturday 4 May, Amphitheâtre Lavoisier |
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08H45 |
Maria Vitoria Bittencourt |
📎 |
📎 |
08H45 |
Emmanuelle Pajot |
📎 |
📎 |
08H45 |
Daphne Tamarin |
📎 |
📎 |
08H45 |
Simge Zilif |
📎 |
11H00 |
Mariana Báncora |
📎 |
11H00 |
Roser Casalprim |
📎 |
11H00 |
Daniella Ferri |
📎 |
11H00 |
Leonardo Leibson |
📎 |
14H15 |
Francis Le Port |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Vera Pollo |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Gloria Sadala |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Camila Vidal |
📎 |
16H15 |
Beatriz Oliveira |
📎 |
📎 |
16H15 |
Graziano Senzolo |
📎 |
📎 |
17H15 |
Gabriel Lombardi |
📎 |
📎 |
17H15 |
Dominique Marin |
📎 |
📎 |
18H15 |
Patrick Barillot |
📎 |
Saturday 4 May, Room S101 |
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08H45 |
Annalisa Bucciol |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
08H45 |
Jean-Pierre Drapier |
📎 |
📎 |
08H45 |
Maria Helena Martinho |
📎 |
📎 |
08H45 |
Matilde Pelegrí |
📎 |
11H00 |
Eve Cornet |
📎 |
📎 |
11H00 |
Gladys Mattalia |
📎 |
11H00 |
Muriel Mosconi |
📎 |
📎 |
11H00 |
Tomás Otero |
📎 |
14H15 |
Maria Dolors Camós |
📎 |
14H15 |
Jean-Paul Montel |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Oscar Quiroga |
📎 |
14H15 |
Silvia Rodriguez |
📎 |
Saturday 4 May, Room S251 |
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08H45 |
Leonardo Assis |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
08H45 |
María Claudia Domínguez |
📎 |
📎 |
08H45 |
Adèle Jacquet-Lagrèze |
📎 |
08H45 |
Matías Laje |
📎 |
11H00 |
Soledad Carro |
📎 |
11H00 |
Joseane Garcia |
📎 |
📎 |
11H00 |
Rosane Melo |
📎 |
📎 |
11H00 |
Glaucia Nagem |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Luciana Guarreschi |
📎 |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Luján Iuale |
📎 |
14H15 |
Angela Mucida |
📎 |
📎 |
14H15 |
Irène Tu Ton |
📎 |
📎 |
documents & liens
Meeting of the School
Scientific Committee : Patrick Barillot (Responsible), Sandra Berta, Roser Casalprim Maresch, Nadine Cordova, Gabriel Lombardi, Diego Mautino, Beatriz Maya, Carmelo Scuderi, Marc Strauss, Anna Wojakowska-Skiba
Organising committee : Cathy Barnier, Bernard Brunie, Aurélie Caulier, Dominique Champroux, Nadine Cordova (Responsible for the organization), Frédérique Decoin-Vargas, Séverine Derrey, Nathalie Dollez, Alexandre Faure, Patrica Gavilanes, Dimitra Giannaka, Céline Guégan-Casagrande, Carole Leymarie, Fernando Martínez (Argentina), Lucile Mons, Tania Navarro, Kristèle Nonnet-Pavois, Claire Parada, Michèle Paperman, Jose Alejandro Perez Betancur, Christine Silbermann, Irène Tu Ton, Anastasia Tzavidopoulou, Angélique Walter