International of Forums
School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field

The International of the Forums

College of representatives

The College consists of the Representatives elected by each IF zone. It represents the unity of whole. Its function is not to direct but to inform. It fosters communication among the various forums, takes responsibility for the IF publications, manages finances. Every two years, the College convenes the IF assembly, for which it establishes an agenda, and to which it presents a report.

CRIF 2025-2026


CRIF 2023-2024

CRIF 2020-2022

CRIF 2018-2020

CRIF 2016-2018

CRIF 2014-2016

CRIF 2012-2014

CRIF 2010-2012

CRIF 2008-2010

CRIF 2006-2008

CRIF 2004-2006

CRIF 2002-2004

CRIF 2000-2002