Logo rouge avec le portrait de Jacques Lacan et l'acronyme de l'association

International of Forums
School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field

Logo École de Psychanalyse de l'International des Forums du Champ lacanien (EP-IFCL)

> The School of Psychoanalysis  

International organs

There are composed of two colleges, elected for two years.

International College of the Guarantee (ICG)

It implements the functioning of the procedure of the pass at the international level as well as the Committee on the Guarantee International. It also confers the titles of the guarantee. En savoir plus...

College of Initiatives and Orientation of the School (CIOS)

Its aim is to facilitate the debate of the School at the international level. It will coordinate the activities and/or themes of the Seminars of the School; it will organize these Seminars in the places where they do not still exist; it will plan conferences and workshops, and in a general way, it will ensure the work of the School at the international level. En savoir plus...

Designation of passeurs

This is done locally based on proposals by local Analyst Members of the School.

Proposal of an Analyst Member of the School (A.M.E)

Nomination of Analyst Members of the School belongs to the International Guarantee Committee, but proposals are made at the local level.

Admission to membership in the School

Those who wish to take part in the School make a request to the locally elected Admissions Committee. Admissions are based, most notably, on effective participation in the activities of the school and participation in the experience of a cartel.

The Local Committees

The Local Guarantee Committees are responsible for the administrative side of the pass. They receive applications for the pass, maintain a list of passeurs, transmit this list to the International Guarantee Committee (CIG), and draw up potential lists of Analyst Members of the School (AMS).

Only groups with 50 or more members of the School will have a guaranty committee.


Internationale des Forums - École de Psychanalyse des Forums du Champ Lacanien
118, rue d'Assas - 75006 Paris - France