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International of Forums
School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field

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« Analysis, its Ends, its Continuations »

III° International Meeting of the School
9,10,11 December 2011
Paris - France


Documents & Links

The Spirit of the Meeting

For three days, we will have an opportunity to meet in Paris and discuss the theme chosen in Rome in July 2010: an invitation to testify, to question and develop this theme, which is relevant to our School and which will mark our ongoing reflection on the experience of the pass, after Rome and before Rio de Janeiro.

This theme is clearly important and acute, both for the seriation of the experience and for its results and, at the same time, the epistemic opening inherent to the "positivation of the end of analysis" based on the final satisfaction obtained, as a positive concluding affect. The point is to bring results and options in line with each other. The Meeting will have experience as its watchword, the experience of the pass on either side of the Atlantic, and which has been going on for the last decade. Whilst local historical and analytical specificities, and the options already taken, must be respected, a greater homogeneity of practices and designations between geographical areas may emerge: a sine qua non if the School's international experience is to continue to produce living teachings.

Under this theme, since the pass is a central concept for the School, we may examine the diverse modalities for the end of analysis and, with its continuations, set forth some ideas that justify the title chosen: there is an after-pass that concerns the life of the passant, the School and, more fundamentally, the transformation of the relation of all concerned to analysis. (...continuation...)


Internationale des Forums - École de Psychanalyse des Forums du Champ Lacanien
118, rue d'Assas - 75006 Paris - France