- Events
- The International of the Forums
- The School of Psychoanalysis
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- European
International Events
Every two years, on alternating sides of the Atlantic, an International Meeting reunites the members of the IF and the School around a theme decided upon at the previous Meeting.
Each Meeting is an occasion for gathering together, for a day and half, the groups of the IF and the School, with the goal of bringing to bear-on orientation and function-our acquired experience and evolving circumstances.
Scientific Committee : Gabriel Lombardi (coordinador), Carmine Marrazzo, Clara Cecilia Mesa, Agnès Metton, Ramón Miralpeix Jubani, Stylianos Moriatis, Ana Laura Prates, Leonardo Rodríguez y Florencia Farías.
Organising committee : Florencia Farías (coordinador), Rodrigo Abínzano, Mariano Daquino, Matías Laje, Walter Los, Mónica Marin, Ángela Oyarzabal, Mónica Piñero, Ricardo Cababié.