International of Forums
School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field

International Events

Every two years, on alternating sides of the Atlantic, an International Meeting reunites the members of the IF and the School around a theme decided upon at the previous Meeting.

Each Meeting is an occasion for gathering together, for a day and half, the groups of the IF and the School, with the goal of bringing to bear-on orientation and function-our acquired experience and evolving circumstances.

« Treatments of the body in our times and in psychoanalysis »

XI° Rendez-vous of the IF-SPFLF

« The pass to analyst »

VII° International Meeting of the School

29 june - 3 July 2022
Buenos Aires, Argentina


Schedule Meeting

Program (PDF)

Documents & Links

Preludes (Meeting of the School)

Preludes Rendez-vous


Scientific Committee : Gabriel Lombardi (coordinador), Carmine Marrazzo, Clara Cecilia Mesa, Agnès Metton, Ramón Miralpeix Jubani, Stylianos Moriatis, Ana Laura Prates, Leonardo Rodríguez y Florencia Farías.

Organising committee : Florencia Farías (coordinador), Rodrigo Abínzano, Mariano Daquino, Matías Laje, Walter Los, Mónica Marin, Ángela Oyarzabal, Mónica Piñero, Ricardo Cababié.