Jacques Lacan, Portrait

Internacional de los Foros
Escuela de Psicoanálisis de los Foros del Campo lacaniano

> Eventos Internacionales - Archivos

Certains évènements des Forums sont organisés localement: pour une zone ou un pays. Comme leur vocation est essentiellement nationale mais qu'ils peuvent intéresser au delà, ils sont présentés dans cette page, mais ils changent donc d'une langue du site à l'autre.

Clinical Formations of the Lacanian Field

The symptom in Lacan's late teaching (starting from Encore)
on Saturday and Sunday, December 3-4, 2011
118, rue d'Assas, 75006 Paris

Seminar information

This is the first Seminar in English, offered by the Research Group of Clinical.

The format will be as follows: each member of the Research Group will choose a page or formulation of Lacan's for commentary. You can consult the program .

There is no registration fee. However, because the number of places is limited, we are asking those of you who wish to attend to register in advance. Registrations will be processed in the order of their arrival. Beginning now, you may send your registration to: Secrétariat de L'EPFCL, Séminaire en anglais, 118, rue d'Assas, 75006 Paris. epfcl.secretariat@orange.fr

We would also like to remind you that the following weekend — December 9, 10, 11, 2011 — the Third International Meeting of the School of the Lacanian Field will take place in Paris, under the title : Analysis: its ends, its continuations.

The Research Group

  • Jacques Adam
  • Sol Aparicio
  • Patricia Dahan
  • Luis Izcovich
  • Colette Soler
  • Marc Strauss
  • Radu Turcanu


Internationale des Forums - École de Psychanalyse des Forums du Champ Lacanien
118, rue d'Assas - 75006 Paris - France